IFRA Information - Codes and IFRA Usage for Fragrance Oils and Essential Oils

Basic IFRA information about usage -

IFRA (International Fragrance Association) is the global representative body of the fragrance industry.  IFRA releases documents commonly know as THE IFRA.  The IFRA only indicates the maximum safe usage for fragrance oils in various applications and not the amount that should be used. 


IFRA percentage of use are not to be taken as the amount to used in a product!!! The amount of fragrance oils to be used in each product must be determine by the creator of the product and it should be no more than the IFRA amount for the finished product.

NOTE!  The IFRA only deals with HUMANS.  There are two categories that refer to pet or animal usage.  IFRA is only about the welfare of HUMANS and how these applications and mode of usage pertain to HUMANS.  PLEASE search else ware for safe animal usage for the animals!


IFRA Information 

ONLY Soap and lotion safeties for Candle Cocoon Fragrance Oils

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