To be a Scent Tester

Get an exclusive first look at potential new Candle Cocoon scents or test some old favorites for soap!

We run many different tests - Please make sure you understand for which one you are volunteering.

Primary evaluation - This is a sniff test.  We send a sample of a scent dipped on a test strip in a baggie.  You let us know if you like the scent.  This test is used to determine if there is a need for this scent.  Answers are Yes, No or I think my customers would like this scent.  Email decision within 2 days of receipt of package.

Throw evaluation - Liquid samples are sent.  Testers make candles and evaluate strength.  Liking a scent at this point is a secondary consideration.  Email results within 2 weeks of receiving package (only a 2 day cure time)

Soap evaluation - For cold or hot process soap makers.  A 4oz sample will be sent to evaluate scent retention, trace acceleration, etc. Email results within 2 weeks of receiving package

In order to be a scent tester you must do the following -

1) Have an upcoming order so that we can send you a sample(s) easily and quickly.  It samples change the value of the package Candle Cocoon will pay the difference.

2) Have placed at least 3 orders with us in the past year.

3) Agree to evaluate and share findings within two weeks after receiving samples

4) Adhere to specific candle making procedures.

5) Be willing to share all information publicly. 

6) Be experienced in the field.  Generally a year or more of learning.

What you will receive!

****Bragging rights!  You will be one of the first people to test and have a say in new scents!  We take these tests very very seriously!  We have even chucked a few scents that I had spent years working on due to issues with customer usage or general dislike.

ALSO, $10 gift certificate for each scent that requires use of materials (wax, soap, wicks, dye, etc).  Stiff tests don't qualify.


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