In order to not be taxed you will need to fill out and return a signed copy prior to your order.  If you do not see your state here you should not be taxed.  Contact us with questions.

Form Information to be filled out by you.

1) Suppliers' Company Information to fill out -

Candle Cocoon, LLC    4903 Commerce Ct McFarland, WI 53558

2) Pick your state - if your state is not listed below we do not collect tax at this point.

3A) Georgia Tax Exempt form ST-5 - For direct resale.  For instance, if you are reselling the wax as wax. You would check box "1" for Resale. 

" Purchases of tangible personal property or services for RESALE ONLY. O.C.G.A. § 48-8-30. A sales and use tax number is required
unless the purchaser is one of the following: church, qualifying tax exempt child caring institution, tax exempt parent-teacher organization
or association, private school (grades K-12), nonprofit entity raising funds for a public library, member councils of the Boys Scouts of
PURCHASER, INCLUDING ITEMS THE PURCHASER WILL DONATE. O.C.G.A. §§ 48-8-3(15), (39), (41), (56), (59), (71).

and/or  (you may need both)

3B) Georgia Tax Exempt Form ST-5M - For most customers.  Conversion of a raw material into a product.  For instance, if you are making wax into a candle.  You would check box "1"  - 

"Materials for future processing, manufacture, or conversion into articles of tangible personal property for resale that will become a component part of the finished product. O.C.G.A.§ 48-8-3.2"

You will also need your NAICS Code along with your personal information and tax exempt number.

Popular NAICS Codes.  Choose the main one:

325611: Bar Soap ManufacturingFor businesses that primarily produce bars of soap.

325620: Bath & Body Product Manufacturing. If your business primarily produces lotions, bath salts and scrubs.  This code should also be considered if making soaps and other bath & body care products.

339999: Candle manufacturing.  All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing.  Default code recommended by NAICS for people who make their candles and sell them.

NAICS Code Search - If you need more categories. 

4) Illinois - Fillable form when you search for "Certificate of Resale" OR   Printable Form  

5) Wisconsin

6) Email a signed copy or take a picture and email it to customer @  (Remove spaces)  Subject - tax exempt

***Candle Cocoon, LLC bears no responsibility for the correctness of legal forms or filing.  Information is provided as a starting point of reference for your convenience.  Please contact your lawyer for legal advice.

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