Test Burning for Dragon's Blood. How a New Candle Scent Came into Being.
Dragon's Blood is a wonderful incense smell that I want in my candles |
I am going to add a Dragon's Blood scent to my line because it is one of my most asked for scents. I have smelled it a few times in passing at the local New Age store and to be honest it was not a first time favorite with me. Unfortunately the test burning of the first 12 samples has reinforced this feeling.
I felt that I was missing something so did some research and found that there are a few different plant resins that are called Dragon's Blood but the most sought after is the one that comes from the Dracaena draco plant. Luckily Mimosa (New Age Store on State Street in Madison Wisconsin) had some of the resin. And with the help of Kelly I was able to get the Dragon's Blood resin that is supposed to be the best. Kelly was so kind and helpful! Thank you Kelly! Especially since I had only about 10 minutes before I had to plug the meter! I digress.
At home I have tried to light the charcoal disk.
The directions say not to hold it in your had and to light the side when starting. I can see why! It doesn't seem like anything is happening but then there are tiny little sparks igniting throughout the disk. I am still waiting for the disk to glow. I do not like the smell of the charcoal. I do not like the smell of the resin in the bag.
It has been about 20 minutes and most of the disk is ash colored but not glowing.
When I put my hand near the top I feel heat but it seems cooler then when it first started. I hope it didn't go out! Glow darn you (30 minutes). I have also read from "The Traditional Witch" Blog to burn only tiny amounts of the resin or I will get a room full of smoke. 40 minutes and counting. I think I am going to add a tiny piece of resin and see what happens. Plumes of smoke.
Paying homage to the queen. 12 test candles that have a lot to live up too. Wish us well on our journey!
Update 10/16/19-After testing for many more months we did finally add our Dragon's Blood to our line back in 2014 I believe. Or maybe 2015. I know that we didn't get it until were were in the store on Monroe Street and that started in 2013. Want to check out our Dragon's Blood? Or any of our other candle making scents? Come on over!