WHO is it? Gender Revel Candles!
It seems that learning the sex of a new person should be given celebration! Our gender revel candles are the perfect way to share the excitement of delivering the news of boy or girl. Make it a special occasion! Each candle take only 5-10 minutes to announce the joy of boy or girl! Or even use one for yourself! Take a boy candle and a girl candle to your ultra sound technician and have them rip off the identification tag and give it back to you to burn!!!! These are great at baby showers! Give each guest a candle to burn either at the party or when they get home! Such a sweet secret to savor and share! It will create a memory they will have forever! Pass them out to friends, family and co-workers! Such a simple and special touch!
Candle turns pink for girls and blue for boy. What could be easier! And the soothing glow of candle light is the perfect accompaniment!
Candle turns pink for girls and blue for boy. What could be easier! And the soothing glow of candle light is the perfect accompaniment!