***NEW! - 10% off one case of Golden Brands Wax with each purchase of $50 of Candle Cocoon Fragrance Oils!!! **We specialize in a UNIQUE fragrance oil line that contains no phthalates, fillers, or extra solvents. This results in a more concentrated and cleaner product for candles, soap, and bath & body applications.
Cherished™ - Fragrance Oil
Chicory- Mica Powder
Chocolate Suede™ - Fragrance Oil
Citric Acid Powder - USP Anhydrous
Citronella- Java
Clamshell - Candy Bar Snap
Clamshell - Large Square - 6 Cavity
Clamshell - Small Square - 6 Cavity
Clamshell - Single Cavity
Clear Glass Tealight Holders (6pcs)
Coco Extreme - Container Wax - BW917
Coco Lima™ - Fragrance Oil
Cocoa Butter - Deodorized - RBD
Cocoa Butter - Unrefined Virgin Natural
Coconut Macaroon - Fragrance Oil
Coconut Oil - Organic RBD -76F Melt Point
Coconut Oil RBD - 92F Melt Point
Container Paraffin Wax - Raw Material
Corn Starch
Craft Sticks And/Or Rubber Bands (Wick Holder Assembly)
Cranberry Compote - Fragrance Oil
Cranberry, Cardamom and Clove™ - Fragrance Oil
Creme Brulee Cafe™ - Fragrance Oil
Crimson Red Wine Sparkle - Mica Block