So I Need a Candle Wick.....

Sorry if I smile a little every time someone walks through the door with that request. For the non-candle maker the common thought is that you simply stick a wick in some wax and poof you have a candle. I wish it were that simple. But then I would probably be out of a job. You may get lucky and the wick may burn, but more than likely it will either drown itself or at the other extreme it will result in a torch of a flame. Hobby shops and a lot of candle making videos don't help matters much. "Just stick some string in wax and you have a candle." They say. Again, it may burn for a few minutes but chances are that it will put itself out pretty quickly. Or it will produce a lot of black soot. Packages of candle making wick at hobby shops tend to come in small medium and large sizes. And those sizes may work every now and then but again, chances are good that they will not burn correctly. With dozens of different types of wicks available it is very easy to get candle wicks that simply won't work. So let us help you. First answer the following questions. If you just want to make a few candles we can then direct you to something that will at least work.
If you really want to get into candle making we suggest that you watch the videos (and read our blog).
Happy Candle Making!
So what do we need to know when helping you select a wick?
1) What kind of wax are you using? Beeswax, Soy Wax, Container Paraffin or Pillar Paraffin all have different environmental considerations. Knowing the medium in which you will be making candles will help us narrow down the family of wicks that we will recommend.
2) What is the EXACT diameter you are making? Every 1/4" change in diameter will change wick needs for many wick families. When measuring a container you need to measure the inside where the candle is burning. Not the outside of the glass as that can add on as much as an inch to your diameter reading.
3) What is the height? This really is the least important aspect of selecting a wick. It really only affects our decision if the container is less than 2" tall that you want to use for your candle making. There is something called "trapped" heat that affect the candle. And it really affects it over 2"
4) Lastly and possibly most importantly....What is the scent that you are using? Scents have a huge affect on the needed wicks for a candle. If it is any of our scents we have tested them all to determine the best wick to use. If it is not our scent we will honestly have little idea and it will have to be experimental to figure out the best wick to use. Of course, using our wick chart is still not fool proof. There are other factors that will affect the needed wick such as the way you make your candles. (For more information on what to look for in a great test burn watch our candle wick test burn video)