Recommended for you

Clamshell - Large Square - 6 Cavity
from $2.00
Sold by the individual unit, pack of 12, or 375 piece case. Unit consists of a top and bottom.Holds ~6 oz of soap or wax.Outside Dimensions: Length when open - 11.36" Width 3.87" Depth - 1.00" Individual Cavity Size: Width - 1.50" Depth - 0.75"
Makes (6) 1 oz bars of soap or wax. Made in USA!!!Maximum pour temperature: 180º F.Material: Clear PET - 100% recyclable!Recommended Maximum Product Pour Temp: 150-160º
Application Ideas: Wax Melts, Sample Size Cubes, Embeds**Empty package-wax not included.

Flutter Dye Color Mixing Booklet
This booklet contains a helpful guide to mixing Flutter Dye colors.
This is a hard copy. If you would rather download your own copy for free here are the links.
FREE Flutter Dye Color Mixing Booklet Download - Part 1 Part 2

Bath Bomb Clamshell - Single Cavity - Medium
from $2.00
Unit consists of a top and bottom. One piece.Holds ~Outside Dimensions:
SIZE: Makes ~65mm ballMakes 1 pieceMaximum pour temperature: 180º F.Material: .024 Clear PET - 100% recyclable!Recommended Maximum Product Pour Temp: 150-160º Application Ideas: Bath Bombs, Christmas Ornaments, Shell packaging**Empty package-bath bomb not included.

Flutter Dyes
from $2.00
Flutter Dyes are the cutest dye on the market! They also make replicating your colors as easy as one, two, three. Using 3 Flutter Dyes per pound of wax will give you our "base" shade. The base color is the shade that the Flutter Dye was created to represent. But you can go darker or lighter to achieve many more shades. If you want a lighter shade simply cut the Flutter Dye in half.
FREE Download -Flutter Dye Color Mixing Chart - Part 1 Part 2
Rather purchase a hard copy? Here it is.
Want to order all colors? Check this out.
We do not recommend using more than 17 Flutter Dyes per pound of wax as wick clogging may occur. ***NOTE***ALL Flutter Dyes will be changing. Some have already been switched over to new versions or entirely new colors.
Karner Blue-Reformulation- Color true, may be slight change in intensity. (Completed Aug 1 2020)San Bruno Elfin - Reformulation-Color true, may be slight change in intensity. (Completed Aug 1 2020)Spicebush-Back to original TRUE black (Completed about June 1, 2017)Brimstone-Same beautiful yellow. (Completed September 25, 2017)Monarch-Started out darker 10 years ago. Recently shifted to light. The new one will be a bit darker again. A TRUE orange. (Completed November, 2017).Malachite-Phased out. Replacement is Island Marble Green. More of a true green. Meadow Brown - Gone. (Blue Brown). Replaced with Speckled Wood. Turned out to be a slightly different color.
Projections;Painted Lady-Phasing out. Replacement more of a true pink. Unknown switch date.San Verdes Blue-Phasing out Colonial Blue. New TEAL color!!! Uncertain date.Amethyst Hairstreak. Phasing out. Will be replaced with a darker red purple. Unknown switch date.Flutter dyes are made from the highest quality ingredients and work in paraffin, soy, rapeseed, palm and all waxes. The dye base is 100% natural. Flutter Dyes will not leave color residue specks in your candles. ALSO, a portion of our profits from all Flutter Dyes sold goes to support endangered Karner Blue Butterfly habitat.