Make Your Own Candle Dust Cover!

Make Your Own Candle Dust Cover!

How to make your own candle dust covers.

I have gotten a lot of inquiries as to whether or not I sell these cute candle dust covers.  Well, I could sell them but they are very easy to make and can save you a ton of money.  All you really need is paper, and paper punch and a hole maker.  And to save even more money you can print out your own papers from such wonder FREE websites such as--

Free Digital Scrapbooking
The Shabby Princess
Digital Scrapbooking - Deviant Art

I do suggest that you print on a matte photo paper for the best results.   

After you have your paper you will need to cut out shapes.  You cut free-form with an interesting
edged scissors such as these that can be purchased from
A quicker way to make cut outs is with a large paper punch like the one that I purchased from Wisconsin Craft Market  or Create for Less. Make sure that you measure the area that you want to cover and then purchase a press that will cover the area.
Next, simply punch a small hole in the middle of your paper disk with a long arm punch like the one at McGil
Then simply slide the wick through the hole and you are done!  Or don't put a hole in the paper and place on top of the candle.
All done!  Have fun :)

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