Collection: Sample Sets of Fragrance Oils for Candles | Small Trial Sizes of Best-Selling Fragrance Oils | Candle Cocoon, LLC

Sample Sets of Fragrance Oils for Candles

Our fragrance oil sample sets are a great way to try our best-selling candle fragrance oils. Looking for a specific "feel" or mood but don’t want to read every candle scent description? Or maybe you want to explore our best-selling candle fragrance oils but aren’t sure which to choose. You've come to the right place!

It’s always smart to start with smaller amounts of fragrance oils before committing to larger quantities. Thanks to extensive testing, we know all our scents work beautifully in every product they are safe to use in. Each of our fragrance oils is uniquely developed by Candle Cocoon—these are not stock scents you’ll find elsewhere. Our fragrance oils are phthalate-free and super-concentrated formulas, and they deliver exceptional scent throws.

And yes, we do recommend using less of our fragrance oils when making candles because there are no extra solvents or fillers in our products. This not only saves you money but also results in cleaner, better-performing creations. As we like to say, “no junk in, no junk out.” Make sure to try the samples in your product before forming a judgment—our super-concentrated oils can be overwhelming straight out of the bottle but are always excellent in the final product.

Please note: Fragrance oil groupings may change at any time, just to keep things fresh and exciting!