Grace's Favs - Sample Set
Grace's Favs - Sample Set
Grace is our phone person extraordinaire! With over 10 years of candle testing/making she has a lot of favs so it was very hard to get her to narrow down her selections. So, for now they are as follows!
Picture if of Grace's doggo Kurida.
Get all 5 in a 1oz sample size.
Neroli de la Luna - So elegant! (Even when you are covered in goat poo....Grace helps her neighbor with the baby goats!)
Lime Cilantro- Wonderful compliment to both Mexican and Thai food. (Grace, you aren't supposed to eat it, I told you that already)
Mountain Meadow Honey - When you need to relax.
Peony White Tea - Relaxing and refreshing. Makes crabby muscles relax more deeply than anything else. (Not medical advice)
Pepper and Port - Rich, complex and uplifting! The happy candle!
Fragrance Oil Notes
Fragrance Oil Notes
Materials and care
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